Monday, December 17, 2007

Mac OS 10.5

I have been searching for information on Mac Os 10.5. Although there is a lot of scattered information, there is not a single site which gives an overview (technically) of the changes. There is a lot of information on the product/user experience stuff, but hardly any take on the development aspects.

OS 10.5 with 64-bit compatibility: This is pretty encouraging to read. One doesn't need to have any driver/device changes for 64-bit. And 32-bit applications work smoothly too. Also, it follows LP64 model, so Unix 64-bit apps can be ported easily.

Talking about Unix, OS 10.5 claims to be Unix certified. So any/all unix apps will run on Mac 10.5 as-is, without "any" change!

File system event APIs.. I almost thought this could be used as Kauth is used, before I read it completely. Nevertheless a good feature:

However, I found kernel queues, which provide notifications for most events like Kauth does! Need to see, how far we can go with this.. also whether it caters to our purpose better than Kauth. One thing that I see as a plus here is that it gives notification for exit, fork as well.

This link I found, was a little less user oriented than others:

OS 10.5 as a server?

Till, I find some more information on this, Ciao!

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